CEG blog December 2021-February 2022

It’s been a busy few months for the CEG, and our focus has been on a range of issues, in particular the energy crisis and it’s impact on customers, stakeholders and the business. We have also been focusing on the future of energy, and have continued to monitor the Company’s progress on its business plan commitments.

In December, we had an update from CEO Mark Horsley at our virtual meeting, which included NGN’s work on hydrogen, what more the company was doing to help vulnerable customers, and the impact of Storm Arwen.

With the current energy crisis and the impact of supplier businesses failures in mind, we then discussed the indicative impact on prices of Supplier of Last Resort, and the customer impact, where we raised a number of issues with the Company.

We were updated on NGN’s Stakeholder strategy and gave feedback on our attendance at stakeholder events and sub-group meetings.

We spent some time discussing the Innovation Strategy, including Customer Vulnerability specifics.

At our most recent virtual meeting on 7 February, Mark Horsley gave a further update on the business, focusing on:
– Supplier of Last Resort and energy price increases;
– Cost of inflation and the impact on the business;
– Cyber threat;
– Energy futures.

We followed this by a focus on the ‘social’ workstream and in particular customer satisfaction and vulnerability and carbon monoxide allowance.

The company then presented its ‘People and Planet’ strategy, as a core component of its work on sustainability and the environment.

We discussed the current energy market and the work that company was doing on future energy solutions and the implications of the decommissioning of gas.

We then looked at digitisation, which was followed by an update on key aspects of HR objectives.

We concluded with our regular update on the Stakeholder Strategy.