The Customer Engagement Group (CEG) met on 21 December at NGN’s Moorside Office, Sunderland. We were given a very informative presentation on the functions of system control, distribution and transmission that are managed from the Office. This helped build our understanding of the Company’s operations in the context of future planning and arrangements.
We covered a lot of ground at the meeting, including the following:
- Chair’s feedback from a session held with the national group looking at the business planning of all companies on behalf of OFGEM. This group is called the RIIO-2 Consumer Challenge Group (CCG). The work of the CCG and the CEGs are designed to be complementary, and to ensure that there is robust challenge in the business planning process.
- We were also joined by a representative from Citizens Advice, who gave us a presentation on their advice to GDNs on their approach to stakeholder engagement when developing GD2 Business Plans. The session was very helpful, and this followed a separate deep dive meeting where some of the CEG members met with the representative on detailed issues. This emphasised a number of additional topics for future focus.
- Stakeholder Engagement Delivery Plan. A key part of the role of our Group is to consider the effectiveness of NGN’s Stakeholder Engagement, and how the views of customers are being reflected in the Business Plan. The Company is, therefore, seeking to ensure that the Group is engaged with its design and delivery of stakeholder engagement activity, and at this meeting we were given detail on the delivery plan, including key engagement activity dates, and further information about the Group’s practical engagement.
- OFGEM GD2 Methodology Consultation. OFGEM is currently consulting on the RIIO Framework, and a presentation was given on the key points, and how the company might respond. The Group will be receiving a summary direct from OFGEM, who will also be attending the CEG meeting in January.
- How Innovation and R&D will support RIIO-GD2. A presentation was given on the role of NGN’s Innovation Team, the role of innovation in RIIO-GD1 and how it will impact on RIIO-GD2. This was very helpful in developing our understanding the Company’s approach to innovation, from some relatively small but effective changes to practice and procedures, through to looking at new technologies and so on.
We are meeting again in January, including with a Non-Executive Director of the Company, and with an OFGEM representative.