NGN ISG BLog September 2024
At our monthly meeting on 2 September most of the agenda was focused on sharing feedback from the 7 deepdive sessions that we had held in August on the following GD2 Business Plan topics:
Climate Resilience; Environmental Action Plan and sustainability; Vulnerability; Innovation; Inclusion and Belonging; Whole Systems and the Stakeholder Engagement Strategy.
Subgroups were able to share their thoughts on how the company had responded to previous challenges raised by the ISG and at the end of the meeting we reviewed and updated the challenge log.
Whilst some challenges had been met others remain open until we receive further information and some new challenges were added.
A separate issues and feedback log was set up to provide more detailed comments on the first draft of the business plan and NGN has responded as further drafting has been done.
The ISG also signed off our updated Terms of Reference in line with guidance from Ofgem. This is also available on this website.
Our work programme up to the submission of the Business Plan to Ofgem by 11 December was agreed and through this month and next we have been undertaking and planning further deepdives into Asset Management; Costs and Value for Money; Data and Digitalisation; Workforce Resilience.
Members have attended a number of stakeholder events including a workshop on the business plan.
There is regular contact between the Chairs of the ISGs of the network companies and we jointly met with the National Energy Systems Operator to understand their approach to systems planning. And in October there are two meeting scheduled with Ofgem to help benchmark performance across the gas networks and discuss our work.
We received a further draft of NGN’s business plan on 19 September and we are now heavily engaged in reviewing this second draft. Our October meeting will focus on how Value for Money and any major changes to the proposals in the plan.