CEG Recruitment

Our well established Customer Engagement Group (CEG) is recruiting for two new members and we’d love to receive applications from anyone interested in better outcomes for gas customers and have the knowledge and experience we are looking for.

The group scrutinises and challenges NGN to ensure the company is responsive to the needs and preferences of its stakeholders and customers.

There are challenging times ahead as we decarbonise our energy systems: Can hydrogen be used to replace natural gas? What are the ongoing network safety and maintenance requirements? How and when will the gas networks be decommissioned? How well does the company engage with other businesses and people in the region?

NGN is starting to produce a new business plan which will be submitted to the energy regulator, Ofgem in December 2024. If you are interested in joining us you will help to ensure that the plan addresses affordability, reduces environmental impact, and maintains high customer service standards, especially for the most vulnerable, through a focus on engagement, innovation, efficiency and safety.

More details about the work of the CEG, the remit of the group and the skills we are looking for can be found here  

Applications by end 25 September please.